Sunday 9 September 2012

Assignment # 1 Superpower

If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? Justify why you have chosen your particular gift, and rejected all others.

This sounds like an easy assignment, but it is not.

High level responses will use formal language and proper grammar and punctuation. Make sure you include plenty of detail - this should be a lengthy paragraph.

Most importantly, keep it out of my "Boring Bin." Either dazzle me with your description, entertain me with your humor and creativity, or impress me with profound, thought provoking, and mature ideas.

Top marks will be awarded for those who are able to accomplish all of the above.

Make sure that this composition has a creative idea, interesting diction (word choice), specific detail, varied sentence length, and a dynamic introduction and conclusion.

IF YOU FINISH YOUR ARTICLE, then you may first complete your class link list. That means add your classmates' URL's. Then feel free to add pictures, create a profile about yourself and customize your template.

Student Example: 

The Power to Manipulate Time

If I could choose to possess any superpower imaginable, I would adopt the ability to manipulate time, as it would allow me to amend both my own mistakes and those of society in general, as well as create humorous situations. As far as benefiting myself, this ability would greatly aid in excelling in school and earning a hefty livelihood in the future. For example, if needed, I could preview provincial exams once and then, utilizing my power, return to the past to contemplate the answers. Even when doing an activity as simple as playing bingo in Spanish class, I could peer into the future and "somehow" consistently emerge victorious. Furthermore, after later progressing into adulthood, I could take advantage of my superhuman abilities in order to gain wealth through the stock market. In the event that I make a poor decision in this field, I could simply re-visit the past and, instead, make more advantageous moves. Technically, I would be blessed with the ability to manipulate the stock market without the fear of being accused of fraud. On a more generous note, I could also use my powers to correct society's mistakes and failures and thereby create a better future for humanity in general. Catastrophic events such as the Rwandan genocide and Hurricane Katrina could be avoided by presenting world leaders at the time with evidence of the future results. Occurrences such as the assassinations of presidents or social activists, including Kennedy and Martin Luther King, could also be prevented by merely moving these individuals a few feet to the left. Finally, I could also employ this power to add much needed humour to everyone's lives. As individuals on national television would attempt to lower themselves into their seats, I could pause time and shift their chairs to the right, causing them to clumsily fall. Imagine the prospect of someone attempting to connect with a "high five", only to find that they mysteriously miss by a few inches and smack the recipient's face. Ultimately, the power to control time itself would be advantageous both because of its ability to generate humour and amend past mistakes.

Blogging - Read before Proceeding

Blogs offer students a chance to easily read each others' ideas, as well as draw from internet resources. Many students prefer to write on a computer as it allows for more convenient editing and provides the option of using tools such as spellcheck, grammarcheck and thesaurus.

Please remember the following guidelines for blog use:

1. Everything you write on your blog must be considered PUBLIC. Do not include ANY information or opinions on your blog that you would not be comfortable with anyone else (in or outside the class) reading.

2. Please follow the proper expectations for writing in English 12. It is natural for students to become careless in their writing when working in an internet environment. Do not use Facebook or MSN abbreviations and style. Formal grammar, punctuation, and appropriate word choice must be used at all times.

You will be graded on your blogsite thoughout the year. Part of your mark will be based on having all assignments complete. Part of your mark will be based on your writing skills and the effort and detail that you have put into your work.